Idaho Eyelid & Facial Palstic Surgery
Before and After Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelids change with time. Many patients come to us with complaints of looking tired or disinterested. Others visit our office because their droopy eyelids are impacting their vision. There are two different conditions that can cause this: 1) laxity of upper eyelid skin; 2) weakening of the upper eyelid tendons.

  1. Upper eyelid laxity – Upper eyelid laxity is sometimes congenital. At Idaho Eyelid and Facial Plastic Surgery, we have had a number of 25 year old patients come in to have their eyelids corrected. More often, upper eyelid laxity is age-related. The best solution to laxity is surgical blepharoplasty. A blepharoplasty removes excess skin/fat to correct droopy or sagging upper lids. Many patients add on lower lid blepharoplasty to remove bags, bulges, and excess wrinkled skin underneath the eyes, which can make a drastic improvement to appearance.
  2. Upper eyelid tendon weakening – If the eyelid tendons have loosened over time and impacts vision or appearance, ptosis repair is necessary. This involved either an internal or external surgical approach to tighten the tendons. Ptosis can occur in one or both eyelids. Some patients undergoing ptosis repair also opt for lower lid blepharoplasty, as it can dramatically improve a patient’s appearance.

It should be noted that there are instances where patients might need both a blepharoplasty and ptosis repair when they have excess skin AND weakened tendons. At Idaho Eyelid and Facial Surgery, our surgeons evaluate each patient during the consultation process and can help you decide the best options for you. Our top surgeons have performed over 15,000 eyelid surgeries and their experience can help you navigate your options.