Evaluation of Ptosis

Ptosis (from Greek Ptosis or πτ?σις, to “fall”) is a (drooping) of the upper or lower eyelid.

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  • The drooping might be worse after being awake longer, when the individual’s muscles are tired.
  • This condition is may be called “lazy eye”, but that term normally refers to amblyopia.
  • If severe enough and left untreated, the drooping eyelid can cause other conditions, such as amblyopia or astigmatism.
  • This is a photograph of a patient with severe bilateral ptosis (ptosis is sometimes referred to as Blepharoptosis. It refers to an eyelid which is droopy. This might cause a loss of vision, especially while reading, headaches, and eyebrow strain.
  • When ptosis is asymmetrical (worse on one side) or unilateral, we must consider Hering’s law of equal innervation:
    • Hering’s law of equal innervation proposes that conjugacy of saccades is due to innate connections in which the eye muscles responsible for each eye’s movements ar innervated equally.
    • This theory is in contrast to the theory proposed by Von Helmholtz (1911) which states that conjugacy is a learned, coordinated response and that the movements of the eyes are individually controlled.
    • Thus, if we surgical repair (pull up) one eyelid, the OTHER eyelid might in fact become droopy.
    • As you slide the control from the left to the right, you will see the ‘see-saw’ effect of the ptosis as the RIGHT eyelid undergoes simulated elevation, and the left eyelid drops.

Featured Testimonials

“I visited Idaho Eyelid and Facial Plastic Surgery to address my droopy lids. They were obstructing my peripheral vision so it was a fairly severe case. From the minute I walked in the door through the surgical procedure and follow up, I felt confident that I came to the right place. The staff explained the surgical process and reassured me. Dr. Boerner is a skilled surgeon and did an excellent job. Aside from looking better, I can also see again. And i don’t look like a deer caught in the headlights. Altogether a great experience!”

by Julie F.

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